Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ikan kolam

The best nk mancing kolam ne is to study teknik camne org yg dpt ikan mancing situ or ask owner or reliable guests.

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Location:Jalan Pasir Hor,Kota Bharu,Malaysia

Kolam Otai n Ok

Mudah je nk pergi, exit tol sungai petani utara, pastu terus je dlm 5-10 minit , cari kpg penghulu him dlm google maps :)

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Location:Sg Petani.

Kolam Sg Danga

ahad, selasa n jumaat kolam b dibuka, ikan 1.5 kg ke atas rasanya.

Hari lain kolam a bukak, ikan campur2.

Nmpk efektif guna pelampung then bottom.

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Location:Kpg Melayu, JB